Wednesday, April 24, 2013
corvette stingray
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
pokemon beartrik
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
the Orc, guarded the city of Riften, that is, until he was captured by tough
and fearsome bandits. Taken to a cave near a graveyard, Sola and the bandits
fell asleep. Little did they know, they were surrounded by vampires and
bloodhounds. When the bandits fell asleep, the vampires bit them in the neck,
turning them into vampires.
are a traitor!” The vampire lord’s deep voice boomed.
am not.” The orc calmly replied. “I did nothing wrong.”
vampire lord punched the orc before saying “Take him to his cell.”
am not a traitor,” and he said ‘take him to the cells’. The next morning the
vampires were gone but the bandits were still there now’s your chance to escape
but first you have to pick pocket the bandit or kill him you choose to kill him
he’s dead take his armor and his weapon and run away. You ran all the way to
rifton when you get there a guy comes and says’ running low on coins lad’. And
you say excuse me. And he says what to join the thieves guild and you say sure
then he says first you have to a little test first and you say what do I do you
see that Argonion go steel her ring and put it in that dark elf’s pocket and
you say sure hen I will cause a distraction now you go over still the ring. The
next morning you are in the thieves’ guild. Then you go to fort dawn guard they
kill vampires and they are werewolves.
You have been sent to a cave to kill the master vampire that captured
you. When you get there you will have to kill a lot of vampires there easy with
the crossbow you have that you got from the fort now you kill every single
vampire there. You have companion that you got from the beginning he was also
captured by the vampires he was captured with you and he escaped with you.
After you leave the cave you travel all the way to white run to buy a horse and
you go back to rifton to buy the amulet of Mara then you go back to white run
to get married to a girl and she has a huge house! Then you go all the way the
collage of winter hold to become a mage and cast magic when you get there will
be a lady who will stop you and talked she will give you some spell books and
novice robes of destruction then she will give you a tour around the collage
when the tour is done she will tell you to go to your first class. After your first
class you were given a mission to find a amulet the amulet is very special
because it is a key to pure gold, ebony, and armor and weapons. When you get
back to the collage there is a villain who tries to kill but you now magic and
he doesn’t so that gives you a ant vantage to win. When you finish the battle
you will be a pure mage. After you go to the collage of winter hold you go to
the bards collage in solitude to become a bard when you get there you will have
to talk to a guy named Loki after you talk to him he will give you a mission to
gets a special claw. After that you become a pure bard. Then you go to the
palace of kings in windhelm to join the Stormcloacks when you get their he will
give you a mission to kill an ice wraith. Then you are called a storm cloak
soldier. Now the king will tell you to go find a crown for the high king of
wind helm then you will have battle with the imperials when you win the battle
you will have to go inside witerun and kill the king of witerun but he escapes
he goes to morrowind and he becomes a king in one of those big cities. When
finish the mission one of the gray— manes will be the king of witerun. Now you
will have to speak to the graybeards for a mission to kill a dragon. After that
you can call the dragon you’d killed and it will help you in a battle against
another dragon at the end of the game. Now that you have captured the dragon you
will have to go talk to the graybeards again to learn a shout the shout you
learn sounds like this whous ro da when say the shout the person that you said
it to will go flying across the land. After you learn the shout the graybeards
will give you a mission to find a dungeon and explore until you find this
unusual gem. After you find that you will have to go speak to graybeards now
you will be told to do the last mission of the graybeards to find the horn of
jurgon wind caller. After you do the mission you will go back to the grey
beards. After the mission you will have to go back to the thieves’ guild and
bring the unushauel gem to Vex in the thieves’ guild she will appraise your
gem. When you leave the thieves guild. After you will have to go to the dark
brotherhood when you leave the brotherhood you are captured by bandits when you
woke up you were at a camp when you woke a person was holding a steel dagger
then he stabs you. But you didn’t die your brother Vass came and saved you when
he saved you he took you to his house in markarth when he took you there then
he said “are you crazy” and you say “what” then he said for getting caught by
those bandits but the good thing is you’re safe here with me if you what to go
outside I have to come with you. Now you have your brother on your side to help
you in battle. He has on Imperial caption armor on and he has banded armor
boots and he has steel cuffed boots and he has an Ebony sword for his weapon
and he has an imperial bow. He is your
older brother and he is the strongest in your family. The next mission you go
on is you have to go steal a amulet for jarl ulfrik stormcloak so he can use it
to be the king of windhelm after that mission you’re going to have to go kill
general taleos and his body guard when he is dead you can search him and you
can get some sweet armor and a good weapon. When you get back to windhelm and
you talk to the jarl and he will give you super-duper strong weapon. After you get the nice weapon you can go to
savenguared then you can go to the castle in savenguared on the way to
savenguared you come upon a ghost he will say “Watch you’re your step there
might be some dragons that you can’t see if you have the clear sky’s so it will
penetrate the fog so you can see. When you get to the castle entrance you will
see a bridge made out of dragon bones this go will come to and his name Tzu he
will ask you to fight with you after you fight him he will lead you to the
castle of savenguared when you get there you will
To be
continued or death will come upon you poor soul.
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