Snowy owls live in snowy parts of the world for example: Alaska, Antarctica. This type of owl is a kinda weird looking. snowy owls have a good eye sight.
Here is a picture of a snowy owl soaring through the sky.
I like minecraft because you can explore where ever you what here is a picture of the world of minecraft! minecraft is about a game that you can play with any body you what to play with you can probable play with somebody from Ireland. You can make a tree house, house, castle and you can probable make the Olympics.
I like leopards because they are carnivores. Leopards are cool because they are fast,strong. Here are some leopards. The black leopard is called a panther. You can find these animals in Ashia and Africa. Here is a snowy leopard this leopard is one of the leopards that lives in the snow here are some places that have snowy places Alaska, Antarctica. Here is a regular leopard the regular leopard lives in the same places that the panther lives in.
Dog with a blog is a Disney TV show about a dog named Stan has a blog I know it sounds kind of weird for a dog to have a blog by the way the dog can talk! the show is really weird when you see it you might think its weird to.
Here are some cool knives. I like these knives because they are knives that you can throw at trees and wood. these cool knives are cool because you can throw them at things but be careful because you might accidentally hit someone.
On my blog I have a widgit the widgit shows all of the people who have blogs. This widgit is on my blog because I can go to other peoples blogs and look what they post on the blog. I like this widgit because it will let you go to other peoples blog and see what gadgets they have or what they post.
Hey, this is my very first blog My is about everything like basketball, football, holidays and animals. I am making this blog because I would like you guys to like what I post on my blog.